
According to the National Statistics Institute, there are more than over 55,0000 Non-Governmental Organizations in (NGO). NGO’s are private non-profit organizations with juridical personality and a common objective (the cause) to satisfy; this objective may have social scope, educational, investigation, environment protection, health human rights defense or any other scope that is relevant for the society the NGO is acting on.

NGOs can be grantmaking foundations, associations, cooperatives or others and have different naming, but all must regard the satisfaction of its objective.

Despite being non-profit, these organizations also need funds to cover its expenses and investments – thus meaning that they need to be sustainable. To attain success, it is necessary to gather several critical factors such as: being able to mobilize the community towards the NGO’s cause, raise funds and volunteers and, above all, to have a good strategy for success. Just as in regular companies, NGO’s also need qualified resources, being particularly important the existence of management skills, leadership skills and strategic competences among others.